The Midnight Hour

At midnight I woke up,

and crept out of the door;

silently I'd shut it,

and walked to the shore.

She woke up

to the sound of soft thud

wondering, whether it was

the thief or a cat she heard.

She stood at the doorframe

with her ears pricked she crawled

and to my room she came

searching me amongst the sheets that sprawled

She froze, her scream stifled

then franatically she stood and tried

to find the answer to the mystery, she

flopped and then passionately cried.

Remembering something she ran

down the hall

then down the stairs through the door

avoiding the fall.

She ran with her might

rushing towards the shore

and with tears in her eyes

she sought to know

She slowed her pace

when I was in sight

I was sitting there on the rocks

quite oblivious to her plight

She silently crept beside me

I was surprised

by her warm touch on my hand

and her moist eyes

I held her glance

and learnt everything

I embraced her and told her

" I am sorry" and "I am good for nothing"

All pain, all anger

had died, instead she kissed

her imprint on my forehead

told me how much I was missed.


Sandy said…
Absolutely beautiful! My eyes mist over. I so get this!

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